
裴 钢 院士



姓        名:  裴 钢

学        位:博 士




      E-mail peigang@tongji.edu.cn

通讯地址: 上海市杨浦区四平路1239号,同济大学生命科学与技术学院(200092)


        裴钢教授1999年当选中国科学院院士,2001年当选发展中国家科学院(TWAS)院士;担任国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)第四届、第五届专家顾问组成员;现任“干细胞及转化研究”国家重大科学研究计划专家组召集人,中国细胞生物学会名誉理事长,中药全球化联盟副主席,《Cell Research》杂志主编等。  
       裴钢教授长期从事细胞信号转导及转化研究,1996年获国家杰出青年科学基金,1997年获求是科技基金会“杰出青年学者奖”, 1999年获何梁何利科技进步奖,2002年获国家自然科学二等奖,2007年获国家自然科学二等奖,2010年获陈嘉庚生命科学奖,2011年获谈家桢生命科学成就奖。2012年获美国内布拉斯加大学医学中心荣誉科学博士学位和台湾逢甲大学荣誉工学博士学位;2014年被芬兰总统授予“芬兰狮子骑士军团指挥官勋章”;2015年获香港理工大学荣誉理学博士学位;2016年获芬兰奥托大学荣誉科学博士学位。



        研究GPCR信号调节表观遗传修饰对基因转录及细胞功能的调节的机制。近年来我们的研究发现GPCR通过促进β-arrestin 1进核传递信号,这不仅揭示了β-arrestin 1在细胞核内调节表观遗传修饰的新功能,也揭示了受体信息由细胞膜到细胞核内传递和药物作用的一条崭新途径。我们还发现β-arrestin 1通过表观遗传调节作用促进那些具有自身免疫性的CD4+T细胞存活。揭示了生物体内调节CD4+ T细胞凋亡和自生免疫的新机制,并且提示β-arrestin 1蛋白有可能成为研发自身免疫治疗药物的新靶点。

本研究组在Cell, Nature,Nature Medicine, Cell StemCell,Nature Immunology, Nature Medicine,Molecular Cell等国际性学术期刊上发表论文150多篇。研究成果“G蛋白偶联受体信号与其它细胞信号通路间的对话机制”获2006年上海市自然科学一等奖;2007年获得国家自然科学奖二等奖。“蛋白激酶在阿片类物质介导神经信号的转导和赖受依赖中的作用”获2002年国家自然科学二等奖。我们完成的“发现β抑制因子-1是调节CD4+T细胞存活和自身免疫性的关键因子”这一研究成果还被评为2007年度中国基础研究十大新闻之一。


  1. Gao L, Guan W, Wang M, Wang H, Yu J, Liu Q, Qiu B, Yu Y, Ping Y, Bian X, Shen L, Pei G. Direct Generation of Human Neuronal Cells from Adult Astrocytes by Small Molecules. Stem Cell Reports 2017; 8: 538-547.

  2. Huang S, Mao J, Ding K, Zhou Y, Zeng X, Yang W, Wang P, Zhao C, Yao J, Xia P, Pei G. Polysaccharides from Ganoderma lucidum Promote Cognitive Function and Neural Progenitor Proliferation in Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Stem Cell Reports 2017; 8: 84-94.

  3. Li X, Cui J, Yu Y, Li W, Hou Y, Wang X, Qin D, Zhao C, Yao X, Zhao J, Pei G. Traditional Chinese nootropic medicine radix polygalae and its active constituent onjisaponin B reduce β-amyloid production and improve cognitive impairments. PLoS One 2016; 11: e0151147.

  4. Cheng L, Gao L, Guan W, Mao J, HuW, Qiu B, Zhao J, Yu Y and Pei G. Direct conversion of astrocytes into neuronal cells by drug cocktail. Cell Res 2015; 25: 1269-1272.

  5. Cui J, Wang X, Li X, Wang X, Zhang C, Li W, ZhangY, Gu H, Xie X, Nan F, Zhao J, Pei G. Targeting the b-/g-secretase interaction reduces β-amyloid generation and ameliorates Alzheimer's disease related pathogenesis. Cell Discovery 2015; 1: 15021-38

  6. Hu W, Qiu B, Guan W, Wang Q, Wang M, Li W, Gao L, Shen L, Huang Y, Xie G, Zhao H, Jin Y, Tang B, Yu Y, Zhao J, Pei G. Direct conversion of normal and Alzheimer's disease human fibroblasts into neuronal cells by small molecules. Cell Stem Cell 2015; 17(2): 204-212.

  7. Li J, Wei B, Guo A, Liu C, Huang S, Du F, Fan W, Bao C, Pei G. Deficiency of beta-arrestin1 ameliorates collagen-induced arthritis with impaired TH17 cell differentiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013; 110: 7395-400.

  8. Liu X, Zhao X, Zeng X, Bossers K, Swaab DF, Zhao J, Pei G. β-arrestin1 regulates γ-secretase complex assembly and modulates amyloid-β pathology. Cell Res 2013; 23:351-65.

  9. Yue R, Li H, Liu H, Li Y, Wei B, Gao G, Jin Y, Liu T, Wei L, Du J, Pei G. Thrombin receptor regulates hematopoiesis and endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition. Dev Cell 2012; 22:1092-100.

  10. Chen T, Shen L, Yu J, Wan H, Guo A, Chen J, Long Y, Zhao J and Pei G. Rapamycin and other longevity-promoting compounds enhance the generation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells. Aging Cell 2011; 10:908-911.

  11. Zhuang L, Hu W, Zhang M, Xin S, Jia W, Zhao J and Pei G. β-arrestin-1 protein represses diet-induced obesity. J Biol Chem 2011; 286:28396-402.

  12. Chen T, Yuan D, Wei B, Jiang J, Kang J, Ling K, Gu Y, Li J, Xiao L, Pei G. E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell contact is critical for induced pluripotent stem cell generation. Stem Cells 2010; 28:1315-25.

  13. Teng L, Zhao J, Wang F, Ma L, Pei G. A GPCR/secretase complex regulates β- and γ-secretase specificity for Aβ production and contributes to AD pathogenesis. Cell Res 2010; 20:138-53.

  14. Yue R, Kang J, Zhao C, Hu W, Tang Y, Liu X, Pei G. β-arrestin1 regulates zebrafish hematopoiesis through binding to YY1 and relieving polycomb group repression. Cell 2009; 139:535-46.

  15. Du C, Liu C, Kang J, Zhao G, Ye Z, Huang S, Li Z, Wu Z, Pei G. MicroRNA miR-326 regulates TH-17 differentiation and is associated with the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Nature Immunology 2009; 10:1252-9.

  16. Huang J, Chen T, Liu X, Jiang J, Li J, Li DS, Liu XS, Li W, Kang J, Pei G. More synergetic cooperation of Yamanaka factors in induced pluripotent stem cells than in embryonic stem cells. Cell Res 2009; 19:1127–1138.

  17. Luan B, Zhao J, Wu HY, Duan BY, Shu GW, Wang XY, Li DS, Jia WP, Kang JH, Pei G. Deficiency of a β-arrestin2 signal complex contributes to insulin resistance. Nature 2009; 457:1146-9.

  18. Yu MC, Su LL, Zou L, Zang JW, Pei G, Ge BX. An essential function for β-arrestin2 in the inhibitory signaling of natural killer cells. Nat Immunology 2008; 9:898-907 .

  19. Zou L, Yang R, Chai J, Pei G. Rapid xenograft tumor progression in β-arrestin1 transgenic mice due to enhanced tumor angiogenesis. FASEB J 2008; 22:355-64.

  20. Shi Y, Feng Y, Kang J, Liu C, Li Z, Li D, Cao W, Qiu J, Guo Z, Bi E, Zang L, Lu C, Zhang JZ, Pei G. Critical regulation of CD4+ T cell survival and autoimmunity by β-arrestin 1. Nat Immunology 2007; 8:817-24.

  21. Ni Y, Zhao X, Bao G, Zou L, Teng L, Wang Z, Song M, Xiong J, Bai Y, Pei G. Activation of β2-adrenergic receptor stimulates γ-secretase activity and accelerates amyloid plaque formation. Nature Medicen 2006; 12:1390-6.

  22. Wang YY, Tang YW, Teng L, Wu YL, Zhao XH, Pei G. Association of β-arrestin and TRAF6 negatively regulates Toll-like receptor-interleukin 1 receptor signaling. Nature Immunology 2006; 7:139-47.

  23. Luan B, Zhang ZN, Wu YL, Kang JH and Pei G. β-Arrestin2 functions as a phosphorylation-regulated suppressor of UV-induced NF-γB activation. EMBO J 2005; 24:4237-46.

  24. Kang J, Shi Y, Xiang B, Qu B, Su W, Zhu M, Zhang M, Bao G, Wang F, Zhang X, Yang R, Fan F, Pei G, Ma L. A nuclear function of β-arrestin1: regulation of histone acetylation and gene transcription. Cell 2005; 123:833-47.

  25. Guan JS, Xu ZZ, Gao H, He SQ, Ma GQ, Sun T, Wang LH, Zhang ZN, Lena I, Kitchen I, Elde R, Zimmer A, He C, Pei G, Bao L, Zhang X. Interaction with vesicle luminal protachykinin regulates surface expression of delta-opioid receptors and opioid analgesia. Cell 2005; 122:619-31.

  26. Gao H, Sun Y, Wu Y, Luan B, Wang Y, Qu B, Pei G. Identification of β-arrestin2 as a G protein-coupled receptor-stimulated regulator of NF-kB pathways. Mol Cell 2004; 14:303-17.

  27. Wang P, Gao H, Ni Y, Wang B, Wu Y, Ji L, Qin L, Ma L, Pei G. β-Arrestin2 functions as a GPCR-activated regulator of onco-protein Mdm2. J Biol Chem 2003; 278:6363-70.

  28. Xu NJ, Bao L, Fan HP, Bao GB, Pu L, Lu YJ, Wu CF, Zhang X, Pei G. Morphine withdrawal increases glutamate uptake and surface expression of glutamate transporter GLT1 at hippocampal synapses. J Neurosci 2003; 23:4775-84.

  29. Pu L, Bao GB, Xu NJ, Ma L, Pei G. Hippocampal long-term potentiation is reduced by chronic opiate treatment and can be restored by re-exposure to opiates. J Neurosci 2002; 22:1914-21.

  30. Sun Y, Cheng Z, Ma L, Pei G. β-arrestin2 is critically involved in CXCR4-mediated chemotaxis and this is mediated by its enhancement of p38 MAPK activation. J Biol Chem 2002; 277:49212-9.


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