
薛 雷




姓         名:薛 雷

学         位:博士




1.   肿瘤发生的分子遗传学机制
The molecular and genetic mechanism of tumorigenesis.
2.    细胞凋亡的分子生物学机制
The molecular mechanism of apoptosis.
3.   阿尔茨海默病的分子生物学机制
The molecular mechanism of Alzheimer's disease.
4.  Pax基因对胚胎发育和器官形成的调控作用及机制
Genetic regulation of embryonic development and organogenesis by Pax genes.
5.  治疗肿瘤迁移和神经退行性疾病的中药筛选
A screen for Chinese herbal medicines against tumor metastasis and neurodegenerative diseases.    


通讯地址: 上海市四平路1239号,同济大学生命科学与技术学院(200092)


      北京大学生物系学士,中国科学院上海细胞生物学研究所硕士,瑞士苏黎世大学分子生物学研究所博士,美国耶鲁大学医学院博士后。 历任耶鲁大学医学院副研究员 (Associate Research Scientist),霍华德修斯医学研究院 (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) 研究专家 (Research Specialist),自2008年9月起任同济大学生命科学与技术学院教授,博导,首席科学家。




      近年来,我们以果蝇为模式动物进行遗传筛选,找到了JNK信号通道上30多个新的基因,目前已分析鉴定其中部分基因,成果发表在Developmental Cell和Science 等国际顶级学术杂志。我们将继续研究其余的基因,探索它们在JNK信号通道中的分子功能,阐明其在细胞凋亡、个体衰老、癌症及阿尔兹海默症中的作用机制。




1. X Guo, Z Li, X Zhu, M Zhan, C Wu, X Ding, K Peng, W Li, X Ma, Z Lv, L Lu and L Xue* (2022) A Coherent FOXO3-SNAI2 Feed-Forward Loop in Autophagy. PNAS 119:e2118285119.

2. Y Pan, W Li, Z Deng, Y Sun, X Ma, R Liang, X Guo, Y Sun, W Li, R Jiao and L Xue* (2022) Myc suppresses male-male courtship in Drosophila. EMBO J 41:e109905.

3. X Guo, X Ma, L Xue* (2022) A conserved interplay between FOXO and SNAI/Snail in autophagy. Autophagy. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2022.2063559.

4. X Ding, Z Li, K Peng, R Zou, C Wu, G Lin, W Li and L Xue* (2022) Snail regulates Hippo signaling-mediated cell proliferation and tissue growth in Drosophila. Open Biology. 12:210357.

5. X Ding, Z Li, G Lin, W Li and L Xue* (2022) Toll-7 promotes tumor growth and invasion in Drosophila. Cell Proliferation. 55:e13188.

6. Y Sun, Z Li, W Li and L Xue* (2022) Loss of Bicra impairs Drosophila learning and choice abilities. Neuroscience Letters. 769:136432.

7. C Wu, X Ding, Z Li, Y Huang, Q Xu, R Zou, M Zhao, H Chang, C Jiang, X La, G Lin, W Li, L Xue* (2021) CtBP modulates Snail-mediated tumor invasion in Drosophila. Cell Death Discovery. 7:202.

8. X Guo, YSun, T Azad, H J Rensburg, J Luo, S Yang, P Liu, Z Lv, M Zhan, L Lu, Y Zhou, X Ma, X Zhang, X Yang, L Xue* (2020) Rox8 promotes microRNA-dependent yki messenger RNA decay. PNAS 117:30520-30530.

9. L Zhuang, F Peng, Y Huang, W Li, J Huang, Y Chu, P Ren, Y Sun, Y Zhang, E Xue, X Guo, X Shen, L Xue* (2020) CHIP modulates APP-induced autophagy-dependent pathological symptoms in Drosophila. Aging Cell 19:e13070.

10. Z Li, C Wu, X Ding, W Li, L Xue* (2020) Toll signaling promotes JNK-dependent apoptosis in Drosophila. Cell Division 15:7.

11. C Wu, Z Li, X Ding, X Guo, Y Sun, X Wang, Y Hu Y, T Li, X La, J Li, J Li, W Li, L Xue* (2019) Snail modulates JNK-mediated cell death in Drosophila. Cell Death Disease. 10:893. I

12. S Zhang, X Guo, H Wu, Y Sun, X Ma, J Li, Q Xu, C Wu, Q Li, C Jiang, W Li, MS Ho, Z Lv, and L Xue* (2019) Wingless modulates activator protein-1-mediated tumor invasion. Oncogene. 38: 3871-3885.

13. Y Sun, D Zhang, X Guo, W Li, C Li, J Luo, M Zhou and L Xue* (2019) MKK3 modulates JNK-dependent cell migration and invasion. Cell Death Disease. 10:149.

14. Y Sun, D Zhang, C Li, J Huang, W Li, Y Qiu, A Mao, M Zhou and L Xue* (2019) Lic regulates JNK-mediated cell death in Drosophila. Cell Proliferation 52: e12593.

15. X Ma, X Guo, HE Richardson, T Xu and L Xue* (2018) POSH regulates Hippo signaling through ubiquitin-mediated expanded degradation. PNAS 115:2150-2155.

16. X Wang, X Huang, C Wu and L Xue* (2018) Pontin/Tip49 acts as a novel regulator of JNK pathway. Cell Death Disease 9: 978.

17. X Wang, X Huang, C Wu and L Xue* (2018) Pontin/Tip49 negatively regulates JNK-mediated cell death in Drosophila. Cell Death Discovery 4:74.

18. X Wang, X Guo, Y Ma, C Wu, W Li and L Xue* (2018) APLP2 Modulates JNK-Dependent Cell Migration in Drosophila. BioMed Research International: Article ID 7469714.

19. X Ma, H Wang, J Ji, W Xu, Y Sun, W Li, X Zhang, J Chen and L Xue* (2017) Hippo Signaling Promotes JNK-dependent Cell Migration. PNAS 114:1934-1939.

20. X Ma, J Huang, Y Tian,Y Chen, Y Yang, X Zhang, F Zhang and L Xue* (2017) Myc Suppresses Tumor Invasion and Cell Migration by inhibiting JNK Signaling. Oncogene 36: 3159-3167.  

21. J Huang, Y Feng, X Chen, W Li and L Xue* (2017) Myc inhibits JNK-mediated cell death in vivo. Apoptosis 22:479-490.

22. P Ren, W Li and L Xue* (2017) GLYAT regulates JNK-mediated cell death in Drosophila. Scientific Reports 7:5183.

23. L Zhuang, Y Sun, M Hu, C Wu, X La, X Chen, Y Feng, X Wang, Y Hu and L Xue* (2016) Or47b plays a role in Drosophila males’ preference for younger mates. Open Biology 6: 160086.

24. S Zhang, X Guo, C Chen, Y Chen, J Li, Y Sun, C Wu, Y Yang, C Jiang, W Li and L Xue* (2016) dFoxO promotes Wingless signaling in Drosophila. Scientific Reports 6:22348.

25. X Ma, Y Chen, S Zhang, W Xu, Y Shao, Y Yang, W Li, M Li* and L Xue* (2016) Rho1–Wnd signaling regulates loss-of-cell polarity-induced cell invasion in Drosophila. Oncogene 35, 846–855.

26. X Ma, Y Chen, W Xu, N Wu, M Li, Y Cao, S Wu, Q Li and L Xue* (2015) Impaired Hippo signaling promotes Rho1-JNK-dependent growth. PNAS 112:1065-70.

27. C Wu, Y Chen, F Wang, C Chen, S Zhang, C Li, W Li, S Wu and L Xue* (2015) Pelle Modulates dFoxO-Mediated Cell Death in Drosophila. PLOS Genetics 11:e1005589.

28. F Peng, Y Zhao, X Huang, C Chen, L Sun, L Zhuang and L Xue* (2015) Loss of Polo ameliorates APP-induced Alzheimer’s disease-like symptoms in Drosophila. Scientific Reports 5:16816.

29. Y Hu, Y Han, Y Shao, X Wang, Y Ma, E Ling and L Xue* (2015) Gr33a Modulates Drosophila Male Courtship Preference. Scientific Reports 5:7777.

30. X Ma, W Xu, D Zhang, Y Yang, W Li and L Xue* (2015) Wallenda regulates JNK-mediated cell death in Drosophila. Cell Death Disease 6, e1737.

31. S Zhang, C Chen, C Wu, Y Yang, W Li and L Xue* (2015) The canonical Wg signaling modulates Bsk-mediated cell death in Drosophila. Cell Death Disease 6, e1713.

32. C Wu, C Chen, J Dai, F Zhang, Y Chen, W Li, J Pastor-Pareja and L Xue* (2015) Toll pathway modulates TNF-induced JNK-dependent cell death in Drosophila. Open Biology 5: 140171.

33. L Li, P Li and L Xue* (2015) The RED domain of Paired is specifically required for Drosophila accessory gland maturation. Open Biology 5: 140179.

34. J Huang and L Xue* (2015) Loss of flfl Triggers JNK-Dependent Cell Death in Drosophila. BioMed Research International: Article ID 623573.

35. X Wang, Y Ma, Y Zhao, Y Chen, Y Hu, C Chen, Y Shao and L Xue* (2015) APLP1 promotes dFoxO-dependent cell death in Drosophila. Apoptosis 20, 778-786.

36. X Wang, Z Wang, Y Chen, X Huang, Y Hu, R Zhang, M S Ho and L Xue* (2014) FoxO Mediates APP-Induced AICD-Dependent Cell Death. Cell Death Disease 5, e1233.

37. Y Hu, Y Han, X Wang and L Xue* (2014) Aging-related Neurodegeneration Eliminates Male Courtship Choice in Drosophila. Neurobiology of Aging 35, 2174-2178.

38. X Ma, W Li, H Yu, Y Yang, M Li, L Xue* and T Xu* (2014) Bendless modulates JNK-mediated cell death and migration in Drosophila. Cell Death Differentiation 21, 407-415.

39. H Yang, W Li, H Yu, R Yuan, Y Yang, K Pung, P Li and L Xue* (2013) Physiological Effects of L-Theanine on Drosophila melanogaster. Molecules 18, 13175-13187.

40. X Ma, Y Shao, H Zheng, M Li, W Li and L Xue* (2013) Src42A modulates tumor invasion and cell death via Ben/dUev1a-mediated JNK activation in Drosophila. Cell Death Disease 4, e864.

41. X Ma, L Yang, Y Yang, M Li, W Li and L Xue* (2013) dUev1a Modulates TNF-JNK Mediated Tumor Progression and Cell Death in Drosophila. Development Biology 380, 211-221.

42. X Ma, J Huang, Y Yang, W Li and L Xue* (2012) NOPO Modulates Egr- induced JNK- independent cell death in Drosophila. Cell Research 22, 425-431.

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