


姓 名:岳锐



学 位:博士














2011年至2016年在美国得克萨斯大学西南医学中心Sean Morrison教授(美国科学院院士、美国医学科学院院士、HHMI研究员、2016国际干细胞研究协会主席)实验室从事博士后研究,主要利用小鼠遗传学研究骨髓造血干细胞与骨髓间充质干细胞的调控机制与临床应用。期间荣获Damon Runyon Fellowship以及美国西南医学中心Dean's Discretionary Award。


现任Life Medicine杂志编委、中国生理学会血液生理学专委会委员、中国细胞生物学学会衰老细胞生物学分会委员、中国生物物理学会衰老生物学分会理事、中国老年学和老年医学学会抗衰老分会委员,中国整形美容协会干细胞治疗分会常务理事、华人骨研会(ICMRS)终身会员、吴瑞纪念基金会董事。多次受邀担任Cell Stem CellEMBO JournalAdvanced ScienceNature CommunicationsCell ReportsCell DiscoveryProtein & Cell等国际知名学术期刊审稿人。







6.国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,82070108,IGF-1在骨髓微环境中的调控作用研究,2021-01至 2024-12,56万元,在研,主持



代表论文(#Co-first author, *Co-corresponding author)

1Zhang, X.#, Cao, D.#, Xu, L.#, Xu, Y.#, Gao, Z., Pan, Y., Jiang, M., Wei, Y., Wang, L., Liao, Y., Wang, Q., Yang, L., Xu, X., Gao, Y., Gao, S., Wang, J., and Yue, R. (2023) Harnessing matrix stiffness to engineer a bone marrow niche for hematopoietic stem cell rejuvenation. Cell Stem Cell 30, 378-395 e378 (Feature Article, Previewed by Cell Stem Cell)

2. Sun, Y.#, Ma, M.#, Cao, D., Zheng, A., Zhang, Y., Su, Y., Wang, J., Xu, Y., Zhou, M., Tang, Y., Liu, Y., Ma, T., Fan, A., Zhang, X., Zhu, Q., Qin, J., Mo, C., Xu, Y., Zhang, L.*, Xu, D.*, and Yue, R.* (2023) Inhibition of Fap Promotes Cardiac Repair by Stabilizing BNP. Circ Res 132, 586-600 (Feature Article)

3. Wang, J., Zhu, Q., Cao, D., Peng, Q., Zhang, X., Li, C., Zhang, C., Zhou, B. O., and Yue, R. (2023) Bone marrow-derived IGF-1 orchestrates maintenance and regeneration of the adult skeleton. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 120, e2203779120

4. Fan, A.#, Wu, G.#, Wang, J., Lu, L., Wang, J., Wei, H., Sun, Y., Xu, Y., Mo, C., Zhang, X., Pang, Z., Pan, Z., Wang, Y., Lu, L., Fu, G., Ma, M., Zhu, Q., Cao, D., Qin, J., Yin, F.*, and Yue, R.* (2023) Inhibition of fibroblast activation protein ameliorates cartilage matrix degradation and osteoarthritis progression. Bone Res 11, 3

5. Zhu, Q., Ding, L., and Yue, R. (2022) Skeletal stem cells: a game changer of skeletal biology and regenerative medicine? Life Med 1, 294-306 (Cover Story)

6.Mo, C.#, Guo, J.#, Qin, J., Zhang, X., Sun, Y., Wei, H., Cao, D., Zhang, Y., Zhao, C., Xiong, Y., Zhang, Y., Sun, Y., Shen, L.*, and Yue, R.* (2022) Single-cell transcriptomics of LepR-positive skeletal cells reveals heterogeneous stress-dependent stem and progenitor pools. EMBO J 41, e108415 (Cover Story, Previewed by EMBO Journal)

7.He, J.#, Yan, J.#, Wang, J.#, Zhao, L.#, Xin, Q.#, Zeng, Y., Sun, Y., Zhang, H., Bai, Z., Li, Z., Ni, Y., Gong, Y., Li, Y., 8.He, H., Bian, Z., Lan, Y., Ma, C., Bian, L., Zhu, H.*, Liu, B.*, and Yue, R.* (2021) Dissecting human embryonic skeletal stem cell ontogeny by single-cell transcriptomic and functional analyses. Cell Res 31, 742-757 (Cover Story)

9.Wei, H.#, Xu, Y.#, Wang, Y.#, Xu, L., Mo, C., Li, L., Shen, B., Sun, Y., Cheng, P., Yang, L., Pang, Y., Qin, A., Cao, Y., Morrison, S. J., and Yue, R. (2020) Identification of Fibroblast Activation Protein as an Osteogenic Suppressor and Anti-osteoporosis Drug Target. Cell Rep 33, e108252 (Highlighted by Nature Reviews Endocrinology, Recommended by F1000)

10.Yue, R. (2019) Advice for the Next Generation: Rui Yue. Cell Stem Cell 24, 9-11

11.Shen, B., Vardy, K., Hughes, P., Tasdogan, A., Zhao, Z., Yue, R., Crane, G. M., and Morrison, S. J. (2019) Integrin alpha11 is an Osteolectin receptor and is required for the maintenance of adult skeletal bone mass. eLife 8, e42274

12.Han, X., Wang, R., Zhou, Y., Fei, L., Sun, H., Lai, S., Saadatpour, A., Zhou, Z., Chen, H., Ye, F., Huang, D., Xu, Y., Huang, W., Jiang, M., Jiang, X., Mao, J., Chen, Y., Lu, C., Xie, J., Fang, Q., Wang, Y., Yue, R., Li, T., Huang, H., Orkin, S. H., Yuan, G. C., Chen, M., and Guo, G. (2018) Mapping the Mouse Cell Atlas by Microwell-Seq. Cell 172, 1091-1107

13.Zhou, B. O., Yu, H., Yue, R., Zhao, Z., Rios, J. J., Naveiras, O., and Morrison, S. J. (2017) Bone marrow adipocytes promote the regeneration of stem cells and haematopoiesis by secreting SCF. Nat Cell Biol 19, 891-903

14.Yue, R., Shen, B., and Morrison, S. J. (2016) Clec11a/osteolectin is an osteogenic growth factor that promotes the maintenance of the adult skeleton. eLife 5, e18782 (Previewed by eLife)

15.Yue, R., Zhou, B. O., Shimada, I. S., Zhao, Z., and Morrison, S. J. (2016) Leptin Receptor Promotes Adipogenesis and Reduces Osteogenesis by Regulating Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Adult Bone Marrow. Cell Stem Cell 18, 782-796(Previewed by Cell Stem Cell)

16.Zhou, B. O., Yue, R., Murphy, M. M., Peyer, J. G., and Morrison, S. J. (2014) Leptin-receptor-expressing mesenchymal stromal cells represent the main source of bone formed by adult bone marrow. Cell Stem Cell 15, 154-168

17.Li, H.#, Yue, R.#, Wei, B., Gao, G., Du, J., and Pei, G. (2014) Lysophosphatidic acid acts as a nutrient-derived developmental cue to regulate early hematopoiesis. EMBO J 33, 1383-1396

18.Yue, R.#, Li, H.#, Liu, H., Li, Y., Wei, B., Gao, G., Jin, Y., Liu, T., Wei, L., Du, J., and Pei, G. (2012) Thrombin receptor regulates hematopoiesis and endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition. Dev Cell 22, 1092-1100

19.Yue, R., Kang, J., Zhao, C., Hu, W., Tang, Y., Liu, X., and Pei, G. (2009) Beta-arrestin1 regulates zebrafish hematopoiesis through binding to YY1 and relieving polycomb group repression. Cell 139, 535-546


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