报告人: Brooke A. LaFlamme, Ph.D.
Associate Editor
Nature Genetics,
Springer Nature publishing
主持人: 张勇教授
时间: 2016年5月24日周二下午1:30-2:30
地点: 医学大楼1101会议室
The editorial and publication process at high impact journals, such as Nature Genetics, is often perceived as confusing and difficult to navigate for researchers. My presentation will provide an overview of the editorial process at Nature Genetics, including how we prioritize papers in our current focus areas and how the publication process works. I will then discuss how to best organize and present your manuscript prior to submission, from an editor’s perspective. Finally, I will briefly discuss some of the current and ongoing initiatives at Nature journals that are aimed at providing the highest quality author and referee services.
Employment and research history
Associate Editor, Nature Genetics
December 2013-Present
Handling manuscripts in all areas of genetics and genomics.Managing journal blog (Free Association) and social media accounts.
Postdoctoral associate, Weill Cornell Medical College
Postdoctoral research with Dr. Shuibing Chen in the Department of Surgery. Mechanistic studies of directed differentiation of stem cells to osteoblasts via the BMP signaling pathway. Preliminary work on developing humanized mouse models with human pancreatic islets for research of type II diabetes.
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